Basic Powerlifting Routine Program
PowerliftingToWin-531-Variant.jpg' alt='Basic Powerlifting Routine Programming' title='Basic Powerlifting Routine Programming' />Daily Undulating Periodization for Powerlifting Powerlifting Shoes Powerlifting Shoes. What is Daily Undulating Periodization DUP Daily Undulating Periodization, also known as DUP, is a form of workout planning that is consistently gaining popularity in powerlifting, particularly in the USAPL and IPF. In traditional periodization models such as linear periodization and block periodization, workout volume starts high and intensity low. With these programs, intensity is then increased as volume drops over time. Linear periodization models do this discretely, with small, yet consistent manipulation of volume and intensity over the duration of the program. A program that follows block periodization, on the other hand, will exhibit a dramatic shift between the variables every month or so. For each method, intensity continues to increase with a decrease in volume until intensity tops out and volume is practically nonexistent. At this point, you may only be doing triples, doubles or even singles with your primary exercises. Lifters typically test their strength in the gym or compete in a meet during this period. After the meet or testing, a period of rest or a deload is followed, and then the whole entire process is repeated again. Unlike traditional linear periodization models, Daily Undulating Periodization does not share this linear relationship between volume and intensity. Instead, volume, intensity and number of sets for any given exercise are undulated, or waved, from workout to workout. For example, you might squat some heavy doubles on Monday, followed by a high volume day with sets of ten a few days later. Why choose Daily Undulating Periodization for Powerlifting Now that you have a basic understanding of what DUP is, you may ask yourself, why choose DUP over traditional periodization protocols Although traditional models are favored by some of the best lifters in the world, they come with flaws. In block periodization, training is broken into blocks, or mesocycles. Blocks generally last around a month and training is focused on a specific goal during this time. In theory, each block builds upon and compliments its predecessor, but we will soon see that it doesnt quite work out that way. The first block, often called the accumulation block or hypertrophy block, is designed to put on quality muscle through high volume, low intensity training. For a powerlifter, this may mean sets of 8 1. After the accumulation block, two more blocks are performed a transmutation block and realization block. Leg Extension Machine Bad For Your Knees And Bad For Building Muscle Last Updated on October 27, 2017. Can I Lose 15 Pounds For A Powerlifting Meet Doctor Detox Diet Program Chesterfield Mo Detox Diet To Get Rid Of Mucous. As previously mentioned, we see an increase in intensity, but a decrease in volume with each block. We also see this correlation with linear periodization. The idea is that we add muscle early and then learn how to use it better through neural adaptations. Unfortunately, this is a glaring weakness with traditional models. If we added all this muscle through weeks of high volume, high frequency training, what makes us think its going to stay once we drop volume, the very stimulus that caused us to gain all that muscle in the first place The fact is, it doesnt. One of the most important principles of strength training, the Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands principle SAID, states that the body will adapt to stress that is put on it. Once the stressor volume is removed however, adaptations will cease and even reverse back toward norm over time. In this case, the removal of workouts that caused hypertrophy will cause us to lose that very hypertrophy we worked so hard for. Sure, we will retain some of our gains, but theres a better way to do this DUP. Rather than dividing training into distinct phases that dont carry over well to the next, DUP allows us to train everything at once. Each training day is designated as either a power, strength or hypertrophy day. The fullbody routines of guys like Gironda and Schwarzenegger work as well today as they did 40 or 50 years ago. Detroit Receiving Hospital Emergency Medicine Residency Program, part of Wayne State UniversityDetroit Medical Center. Build both size and strength in this 4 day split based around basic compound movements. Get the best of both worlds with bodybuilding and powerlifting. A 1 1 1 ratio is common, where a power, strength and hypertrophy day is given to each lift throughout the week, but the options are practically endless. For those who need to move up a weight class, a 2 1 1 ratio could be used, where two hypertrophy days are done for each power and strength day. This could still be done over an entire week by the addition of a lifting day or rotated every week. Conversely, if you are trying to peak for a meet or improve neuromuscular efficiency at a certain body weight, the ratio could be skewed so that power or strength days are emphasized instead. If you are familiar with Westside and the conjugate method, you may be wondering what is different between DUP and Westside methods Although the Westside conjugate method does vary intensity and frequency each workout through alternating dynamic effort and maximum effort days, there are some key differences which easily make DUP the superior choice. My biggest concern with the Westside conjugate method is the lack of specificity with exercise selection. It is extremely rare for Westside style lifters to perform the lift exactly as they would in competition. Instead, they opt for variants of the big lifts with the use of chains, bands, boxes, slingshots and all sorts of other odds and ends. Even worse, some lifters rely upon lifts such as good mornings, which have questionable carry over at best, to strengthen their squat and deadlift At one point in time, it was routine for Westside lifters to go weeks or even months without training their deadlift directlyDoes this seem optimal to you In order to get as strong as possible in a lift, you must perform that lift Yet again, this goes back to the SAID principle. We adapt from what we do. Tv5 Program Schedule. How To Install Linoleum Flooring Over Linoleum. If we good morning practically every lower body workout, we are going to build a stronger good morning, not the squat or deadlift. DUP on the other hand refers to manipulation of volume, intensity and sets of a specific lift every workout, not variations of it. DUP alters the volume, intensity, rep and potentially set scheme of a lift every single workout. In Westsides defense, switching up exercises is a good way to work around the Repeated Bout Effect, which states that repeated bouts of a similar eccentric exercise cause less structural damage than the original bout 1. Because damage is a form of stress which is needed to adapt and grow stronger, the Repeated Bout Effect makes it impossible for us to consistently grow bigger and stronger from performing the same exact exercise over and over again. Despite this, Westside suffers from overzealous application of exercise variants. Because of specificity of adaptations, we must perform a lift often if we want to become as good as possible at it. In addition, evidence suggests that the Repeated Bout Effect can be worked around with variations in intensity, which DUP does on a workout to workout basis. Westsides dynamic effort work is nonsensical as well. Proponents of Westside claim that dynamic effort is used to increase force production through increased speed, while simultaneously serving as invaluable form work. Typically, the intensity of Westside style speed work is in the 5o to 7. Maximal speed isnt generated anywhere near thisInstead, maximal speed is normally seen around 3. RM. Even if dynamic effort speed work was performed at 3. Theyre entirely different stimuli and because of such, work off completely separate neural pathways and motor patterns. For this reason, I also find it hard to believe that lighter weights provide adequate form work. Practically everyone has pristine form with light weight.